Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Miracle Question

If you've ever read anything about business, studied for the GMAT, or drank myself into a blackout at my friend's grad school party last week, you might have heard a little something about two emerging but contrasting business ideologies: problem-focused and solution-focused

A stagnant economy, struggling enterprise, and diminishing middle-class give business theology about as much corporate credibility as pixie dust. And in all likelihood, 95% of board meeting run much like this:

"Solution-focused" ignores the cause, details, and nuances of your problem and concentrates your efforts soley on a remedy, resolution, and positive outcome. While "problem-focused" ignores potential solutions and concentrates your efforts on "Bats! Bats! Dear God how did all these bats get in here?!?!"

Solution-Focused Therapy credits The Miracle QuestionA basic thought experiment, its premise is simple: one night a miracle has occurred. All the problems in your world that would normally preoccupy your time and energy have magically been resolved. When you awaken the next morning, what's the very first thing, however tiny or insignificant, that you notice or experience which lets you know this miracle has occurred? 

Anyone else's miracle involve Alec Baldwin giving this pep talk 
as they get ready for work each morning?

The Miracle Question doesn't promise to make our decisions for us, but what it will do is take us to a solution that we already have. It rewires our thinking to ignore the flood of distractions that a hectic 1990s life holds. When left to their own devices, these thoughts can keep us trapped in a perpetual problem-focused cycle.  Only then do we we find our solutions, our resolutions, the lights at the end of the bat filled tunnels.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Boring Work Days and Me: 5 Things I've Learned Before 5:00pm - Part IX

1) After spending an amount of time researching Jack the Ripper, I will describe only as "too much," I've concluded his identity: Aaron Kosminski. You're welcome. Now, can someone give my therapist Dr. T. Bear a ring?

2) Is this the way to Amarillo

3) The three most common types of poker are stud, draw and community card. Texas hold 'em is the most popular of the community card versions, owing its popularity to the highly televised, internet sensation World Series of Poker Lady Gaga.
4) I end each day with a gentle Guided Meditation by Lilen Eden to meet my Spirit Guides. They haven't offered much as far as guidance, and sure Greg still owes me $50 but the benefits of mediation has been shown to red
uce stress, restore memory, and increase cognitive function. He had this bank thing happen, it was weird, but he gets paid next Friday and he'll get me then.

5) Swiss Guard, Italian Guardia Svizzera, corps of Swiss soldiers are responsible for the safety of the pope. Historically, new recruits had to have been unmarried Roman Catholic males with Swiss citizenship, between 19 and 30 years of age, at least 5 feet 8 inches and able to dress faaaabulous!!