Friday, November 30, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Part XVI

5) How a light machine made peace with lions in a Kenyan village.

4) We actually don't know when Lief Erikson Day is. It could be today, where are my Viking horns?
) If I'm late don't wait. Go on without me. I may tarry awhile.

2) I saw a goat at the movie theater last night. I said "What's a goat doing at the movies?!?!" The goat said, "Well, I liked the book."
1) Greatest. Sidewalk Sign. Ever

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Part XV

5) According to legend, kissing the The Blarney Stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab or a great eloquence and skill at flattery. Just don't try to get to second base.
4) Remarkable New Orleans mint mark
between the D and the O on the bottom middle of the coin.

3) T
he Wow! signal was a strong narrow band radio signal received on August 15, 1977, by Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope. The signal appeared to come from the constellation Sagittarius and bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin. See also 
  • The Holy Shit! signal

2) My block - where everything is everything for sheezy.

1) This Michael Jr. Ted Talk asks "What's your punch line"? Consider how a change, via your "punch line," in an established life can result in a host 
of positive, if not unexpected, outcomes such as revelation, fulfillment, and joy (e.g. I was going to be a corporate lawyer but now I'm a Human Rights advocate or I never wanted children and now I have 6.)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Part XIV

5) Organic Chemistry is one of the most commonly failed college classes.
4) This isn't my coin collection. I don't know how that even got here, I mean, I'm just holding them for a friend.

3) Ocean is a weird word.

2) Need help d-drop dropping it like its hot? How hot is this thing, this song's been around for years...

1) We built this city on rock and roll. That seems so structurally unsound.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Part XIII

5) First seen during the 1975 movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," Easter Eggs are intentional inside jokes, a nod or "wink", hidden messages or images, or secret features of an intellectual property piece.
4) They're not booing they're saying "Spicuuuuuzza". Except for the ghosts, they really are booing.

3) I did the mash.

2) What's black and doesn't work? Decaffeinated coffee, you racist bastard.
1) Being back in the high life again is more than just what what happens when I take my meds incorrectly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Part XII

5) False color is more than just what my hair dresser does every 8 weeks.

4) The uncanny valley
is the hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object's resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object.
3) Th
is jolly jam politely declines to honor your request.

2) Music hits me so hard.

1) The hook. Be cool, the hook.