Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Boring Work Days and Me: 5 Things I've Learned Before 5:00pm - Part VIII

1) The Third Man factor or Third Man syndrome refers to reported situations where an unseen presence such as a "spirit" or guide provides comfort or support during traumatic experiences. Famous experiencesors include Charles Lindbergh.
2) A house of cards is 
a structure or argument built on a shaky foundation or one that will collapse if a necessary (but possibly overlooked or unappreciated) element is removed.
3) Forget the Hatfields and McCoys this is the greatest family feud of all time:

4) "You know what family means to me Lemon? Resentment. Guilt. Anger. Easter egg hunts that turn into knife fights." ~ Jack Donaghy, '30 Rock'
5) To be "crazy as a fox" is to b
ehave in a foolish, frivolous, or uncomprehending manner as a ruse for concealing clever deeds or deeper intentions. But it turns out that fox I tired to adopt, actually just had rabies after all.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Goat Soap Lover

Hands down, the best pick up line I've ever received in DC. Not the typical reaction I receive when I mention I grew up on a goat farm in Western North Carolina that my parents still operate and make, among, other things, goat soap, but it's always refreshing to come across someone who appreciates natural products that are great for the skin. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Boring Work Days and Me: 5 Things I've Learned Before 5:00pm - Part VII

1) Albert Einstein didn't receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his Theory of Relativity, but rather for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.
2) Eugène-François Vidocq was a French criminalist known as "The Sherlock Holmes of Paris." The Vidocq Society is a members-only crime-solving club that meets on the third Thursday of every month in Philadelphia, PA. But I've said to much already...
3) Pablo Neruda was the pen name and, later, legal name of the Chilean poet-diplomat and politician Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. In 1971 Pablo Neruda won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

4) The Guinness Family are mad as hatters.
5) There is no known explanation for why we laugh. At least that's what I say when people don't get my jokes.