Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Everything I Know Is Ridiculous - Idiom Edition

id·i·om - NOUN an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements, as kick the bucket or hang one's head, or from the general grammatical rules of a language, as the table round for the round table, and that is not a constituent of a larger expression of like characteristics.

5) Pot calling the kettle black. 
Definition: A hypocritical statement. 
Example: NASA astronauts are easy. Just because it's hypocritical doesn't mean it's not true.
4) Won't touch something with a 10-foot pole.

Definition: To find something unappealing and not want to associate with it 
Example: "I'm not touching QAnon with a 10-foot pole."
3) Traded hair for teeth
Definition: Made a bad trade e.g. traded something which grows back for something permanent. 
Example: "Broke up with my college boyfriend. I traded hair for teeth on that one."
2) Thick as thieves 
Definition: In the 18th century, 'thick' meant being closely allied with and thieves were thought of as conspiratorial individuals. 
Example: Meghan Markle and I. We're thick as thieves. Her and Kate Middleton, not as much.
1) Piece of cake
Definition: To be very easily accomplished or said ironically, about something that is extremely difficult to achieve. 
Example: "Climbing Everest? Piece of cake."

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